Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mallory Square at Sunset

Mallory Square is a unique and wonderful place. It fills up every night with street performers of every type and description. There are polished acts to guys playing with a bunch of stray cats asking for money to people who have a musical instrument and sometimes even musical talent. We wandered around for several hours taking in the highlights. They are all licensed by the city and define their space with thick rope. They make no bones about being entertainers and expecting money to be put into their buckets. They were well worth the contributions.
This guys wrapped and locked himself (with the aid of people in the audience) with over 40 feet of chain and 20 locks. He then contorted himself until he was completely free of everything including the straight jacket. It made my shoulders hurt just watching!!
This guy performed a highwire act and juggled. This was especially impressive considering he was on the sea wall with a steady 20 kt. breeze.

This guy was an amazing athlete. He did quite a few tumbling feats. This one was his grand finale. He leapt over this girl bent over the bike and through a hoop. He gave God full credit for his ablities.
Another amazing tumbler. This guy really worked the crowd well. this was his leap through the "Flaming Hoop of Death".

This is the same guy as below. He had the dogs do tricks then climbed a tower and juggled flaming torches.
He had two cute dogs doing a bunch of different tricks. The basset stole the show just because he could get it to obey him at all.

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