The weather was back in favor with us. We had great wind and cooperative waves for our run up the Berrys to Great Harbor. The way into Bullock's Harbor was very round-about due to a lot of shallow areas but we are here waiting out the weather. Currently we plan to depart for the states on Monday but, like the weather, that may change. Meantime we'll get out and see what we can.
We had a pod of dolphins come up to play in our bow wake. We never get tired of seeing these wonderful creatures.
Off the tip of Great Harbor Cay are Big and Little Stirrup Cays. The cruise lines have bought them and set up places to bring people off the ships for a day at the beach. This one was there the day we sailed by.
This was the people hauler from the ship out to the islands. They must make dozens of runs during the day. We saw two of them crisscrossing the whole time we were trasiting the area.
The cruise lines had built these fake villages on each of the cays. this was on Great Stirrup.
Little Stirrup's fake village seemed to have a different theme. The colors were different anyway.
Very few navigational aids actually work in the Bahamas since the British and US have stopped maintaining them. We hear this lighthouse on the end of Great Harbor does work. This is the last major island before you head north to the Abacos Island chain.
If you look closely at this chart, we had to come around the end of the island, past the 2 stirrup cays then several miles down the backside of shoals to come into Bullock's Harbor shown at the bottom of this picture. The magenta lines are routes safe to follow through reefs and shoals.
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