We left Apalachicola, again trying to beat weather. We didn't think we'd make it very far since our average speed for the first few hours was only about 3.5 KPH due to very heavy outflow of the river. Once we were above the juncture of another major river, our speed picked up tremendously and we kept passing our planned stopping spots. The weather held off long enough for us to make it all the way back to an earlier anchorage, Smack Bayou. The rain started just a few minutes after the anchor dug in and boy did it rain, and rain and rain for 2 days. The rain has now stopped but the winds are gale force. We moved across the bayou to the city marina and it was the longest mile of the entire trip!! We are very secure here and made the 2 mile trek to the local yacht club for lunch. It was a brisk walk downwind then a long walk back but it worked off the lunch. The club is not very protected from the west winds so looking at the boats in the marina there reinforced our decision to move to the city marina. We'll sit here until we can move, maybe tomorrow. That puts us on schedule to conclude our trip this Thursday. It has been a great trip but we look forward to catching up with friends.
This is the Panama City Marina. Nice people and nice facilities. We are the last mast down closest to the office.
We are walking on the bridge over Maselina Bayou. You can sure see the waves and lines of foam from the wind.
The wind is blowing a steady 35 kts and the waves were splashing over the marina seawall.
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