Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 8, 2012

Good news all around.  The carburator works and the dingy is back to being peppy enough to get us around and more important, it starts reliably.  We spent the day getting poured on and running errands.  At least the boat is getting a lot of fresh water rinses and not being conveniently close to fresh water, we're trying to think of it as a good thing.  Fortunately all the leaks we had when we first bought the boat (every hatch, port and around the mast) are now in good repair so the inside is dry but starting to musty like musty people.  The weather should break tomorrow and we can give her a good airing.  We are up at the big room at the marina doing our last minute planning and plotting and emailing.  The boat is loaded with enough beer, wine and sodas to last until we run out.  Oh yeah, we have full water and fuel tanks as well.  We had to take a cab back with our haul and the driver got a real kick out of seeing what we had.  Besides the potables, we had a lot of cans and other items that will be either rare or expensive in the islands.  This morning we had hoped to make it to the early Mass but it rained buckets so we went to buy fuel where being wet and bedraggled wouldn't be out of the ordinary.  About an hour later this gorgeous, horizon to horizon rainbow broke out.  I'm taking it as a good sign for the trip to come.

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