That are currently hundreds of boats anchored out along the beaches of this very pretty island just across the harbor from Georgetown. Many countries are represented and you can see a small 27 foot boat next to some 50+ yacht. The megayachts are mostly up at Emerald Bay, a luxury resort about 10 miles north of here. There are so many activities all organized and run by volunteers. I have been attending yoga on the beach each morning. Sand isn't as friendly as a floor but it works. There are volleyball games going on constantly, with basketweaving, dominoes, softball and art classes added to the mix. People spend their time at the beach bar, Chat and Chill, doing just that chillin out and chatting. We have been snorkeling and did a very short dive on a cave that is theorized to run under the island to the Exuma Sound side. At the time we went over there, the current was strongly towing us into the cave so we didn't press our luck and get caught in there. We found some great reefs with a variety of fish and corals. They weren't the best we've seen but better than anything we've seen in the panhandle of Florida. We have had very strong winds associated with a cold front (brrr all the way down to 70 degrees) so we have spent time reading and watching movies. Today is catch up on email and the blog and David is polishing stainless. We still have wahoo to eat even after sharing half of it. Hopefully we can catch more fish as we make our way home.
The Chat and Chill. This is a typical day. The sign post to the right has towns from around the world represented.
For all our family in Texas, just in case you were wondering how far away you are. We also found a boat from Fort Worth called Hello Texas.
One of the paths leading over to the Exuma Sound side of the island. We are in Gaviotta Bay exploring when we took this picture.
This is one of the mooring areas inside Gaviotta Bay. Most people seem to prefer the free anchorages outside. Many of these boats are not currently occupied with their owners either not arrived by air yet or back home for a visit. The mooring are well founded and popular for those needing to leave the area but wishing to leave their boats here.
Our anchorage just off the beach of Chat and Chill. This is just one of the several places with boats along the island.
The sign post for the bar. I thought it was cute how they used little feet to tell the distance to the bar.
The St. Francis is a popular meeting spots for dinner and drinks. They also host many activities like Bible study and poker games.
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