Thursday, November 22, 2012

Manatee River and Bradenton

First, we wish all our family, friends and anyone reading the blog a very Happy Thanksgiving.
We departed Treasure Island and had a great sail across the mouth of Tampa Bay.  The winds were strong but consistent and manageable.  We anchored in the Manatee River behind Snead Island.  It was blustery but the wind shifted as predicted and the waves settled down.  Very scenic spot.  We joined Jane and Kent at the Two Dolphins marina on the Bradenton side of the river.  We've never visited over on this side, always Palmetto so we're looking forward to a little exploring later.  I'm baking a small turkey as I type but I have to stay close by to monitor the flame.  We're not sure how much propane is left in the tank so I update the blog and keep an eye out. Just as I typed this, we ran out so I'm glad I was watching.  Jane and I are dividing up the food.  Fortunately she can make gravy and Publix provided the pecan pie.  We'll round out the dinner with mashed sweet potatoes and fresh salad. 
Tomorrow we will leave in mid-morning for an overnight trip to Fort Myers.  We'll go to Mass and catch up on laundry then continue heading south.

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