Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lots of Figuring and Frustrations

We were so thrilled to see our new boat.  Then....time to unload all those boxes and put the stuff somewhere so we can take her home.  Not a task for the faint of heart.  For both David and I that involves sitting and looking at the piles of stuff and then looking at the space available.  For my part, Suz was an invaluable resource.  She has a good eye for matching shapes of bins or items with the shapes of available spots. That first night we got all the boxes and clothes on board and sort-of put away.  Then we think.  But first came the celebration, tomorrow the hard work.

New Owners, Happy Day.

Bringing stuff down was a chore.

This all has to go somewhere.

Super helpers enjoying a break.

Looking better here.

And here.

Enjoying the champagne provided by our thoughtful neighbors Barbie and Steve.

First sunset aboard.  All the work seems so worth it now!

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