In our spare time (ok, quit laughing) we were on the hunt for our next "dreamboat". We spent quite a bit of time researching the numbers such as tankage, mast height and PHRF numbers. We know we're cruisers but we don't want to sail a dog of a boat either. She needs to handle reasonably well in most conditions. We also didn't want to spend another 8 years getting a boat right for us and spend thousands of dollars in repairs and upgrades that we'll never get our money out. We've already done that! We looked at boats from south Florida to the Texas Coast. We crossed off boats from our list and winnowed it down to the Pearson 424. From there were looked at several boats and found her in Hollywood, FL. We are now the proud owners of Blue Moon. A well loved and cared for boat. Her former owners decided they also wanted a different boat for their cruising needs so it has worked out well for all of us. The new owner of Sanctuary is looking forward to his new adventures, the former owners of Blue Moon are buying their next dream boat and we head to south Florida next week to bring Blue Moon home. Thanks to the generous loan from Tom Reynolds, we'll be using a Spot to post our position to this blog. I'll be adding pictures as I can from the voyage. We'll make the trip as quickly as possible to make it watch our daughter, Martha, be robed and awarded her Master's of Public History on May 3.
No change comes without a mess. All this came off of Sanctuary and waits to finds a new home on Blue Moon |
The murphy bed is not currently guest friendly but will be soon! |
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