The trip down river yesterday saw the last of the locks on the Okeechobee Waterway. In fact, there won't be any more opening bridges until we're back on the west coast of Florida in the ICW. We arrived just before a cold front with all its rain. We hope it lets up enough for us to get out and see the sights. Right now David is peddling to West Marine since he didn't want to rent a car for the day. I chose to stay dry and put away groceries from our trip out this morning. I think a hot shower will be in his future! There are some historic places such as the Thomas Edison/Henry Ford winter homes grounds and museums. They are a short walk from this club but most of the things to see are outdoors so we'll wait. Meanwhile, I'll start working on the LLC taxes, YUCK.
This large power plant was along the way yesterday from La Belle. We looked for manatees but didn't see any. However, we did lock through with a large tarpon chasing mullets. That was quite a show as they leapt from the water.
This huge cantilever was so shiny, it must have been recently refurbished.
This was just one of many islands covered with white herons nesting. It is true, love is in the air!
The waterside of the Royal Palm YC. Hopefully the weather will clear before we have to leave and I can get pictures from the front side. This part of Fort Myers has a street lined with hundreds of Royal Palms, hence the name. Hope to see that too.
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