With the decision made, we started the long process of getting her just right for a spring sale. That included tweaking the new mattresses I had made for the voyage. I needed to change the fabric design and a few other things to make them prettier. Probably a waste of time since they always have sheets on them but it mattered to me. The big projects were finishing the interior varnish and replacing a radar cable that runs from the Navigation area to the unit up the radar and adding more insulation to the refrigerator.

After a few attempts at getting the holes through the stringers large enough we made it to the mast base. With more ingenious tricks and lots of skinned knuckles, we made it up the mast. David spent a long, nerve wracking time up the mast getting it all connected. Of course, the raydome had to have some repair work done to it. Nothing in this project was easy. Finally, all things are hooked up and we fire up the unit and NOTHING. ARRGG. Once we calmed down and remembered to actually plug the cable into the unit, it worked well. We don't do our best thinking when tired and frustrated.
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