I know I left many of you hanging with our departure from behind Anclote Key to cross back to the panhandle. We left with a great wind blowing across our beam. We had a wonderful sail for about the first 12-14 hours then the wind died. Ok, we'll motor until it comes back. Unfortunately, when it came back, it was on the nose. Amazingly, the forecast was wrong!! (note to non weather watchers, my tongue is firmly in my cheek). We thought we had bought our last fuel in Tarpon Springs but, oh well, there's more in Panama City. Anyway, we arrrived behind Shell Island about 10pm Wednesday night, June 1. It was a bit sporty coming in the pass after sunset but it is well marked and we had been through it several times before. After almost 4o, it was great to drop the hook and sleep. We were up early the next day and deciding what to do next when I received a call that my aunt Carolyn had died. We made our way back to Fort Walton by 7 that night. We had a great current and wind so we made a quick trip of it. It may seem slow to non-sailors but a steady average of 6 knots is actually good for a heavy, 33 foot boat. We tied up the boat and left the next day for Texas to say farewell to a wonderful lady. She lived a happy life, made a positive difference to a lot of people and found adventure along the way. I can only hope I can do even a little of what she accomplished.
We came back into town on the 7th and have been cleaning, repairing and dreaming about the next trip. Again, we have so many wonderful friends and neighbors to thank for helping us make this trip possible. Our house and yard are in good shape and the cat doesn't seem a bit unhappy. I will try and get the final pictures posted soon.